Friday, June 26, 2009

Cry Baby

Mary Ellen is a crier. She cries if she drops something. She cries when being left off at the baby sitter's or the church nursery. She cries if she falls (and she doesn't have to be hurt). She even cries if her daddy teases her too much. The girl likes to cry. It's kind of funny, actually. It's not a full out sob, but more of a quick whiny cry that is over as fast as it started, unless I'm dropping her off somewhere. In that case, look out! She's gonna let you know she's upset.

I was informed that Brannon was a big crier. He apparently cried so hard when being dropped off at kindergarten that his daddy would just bring him back home, leaving it to Momma to have to take him right back and do the dirty work herself. Uhuh. As the southerners say - that's just like a man.

I was a crier, too. In fact, most of my baby and childhood pictures are images of me wailing, snot-nosed and all. I didn't cry out of separation anxiety, though. I cried because my feelings were always hurt or because I did not get my way. Wait. Am I talking about now, or when I was a tot? I still cry when I don't get my way. Just kidding. I just passive aggressively make everyone else's life miserable until they come around and see that I was right all along.

All joking aside, I do hope Mary Ellen grows out of this crying stage. I am often reassured that she stops crying two minutes after I leave the room. I really hope they aren't lying to me. They are church people, too, so you know, lying wouldn't look so good on the resume. :) I am also reassured that all this crying is a very normal phase that begins around 9-15 months and can last throughout toddler hood. Given her gene pool, we may be lucky if she quits crying by the time graduates.

Much love!


I wonder what they are deep in thought about!

Sweet Baby

Sweet Baby
Mary Ellen wore this dress for Baby Dedication. She also wore this the day she came home from the hospital.