We found these newborn baby kittens curled up on a utility shelf in our garage last week and couldn't resist trying to care for them. Momma kitty is a stray cat that feeds off of our cat food. We do have one outdoor cat named Storm who was left abandoned by the neighbors when they moved, so we started feeding him and taking care of him and now he calls our garage his home. Anyway, I moved the baby kitties off of the utility shelf and placed them on a cat bed in our garage. I though they would be much safer there because they were beginning to wiggle around and fall off the shelf. Well Momma kitty didn't like me touching them one bit so she took all five kitties and moved them one at a time out of our garage. We were sad but also happy that she was caring for the litter. Well, about a week later we were getting out of the car after church and heard the kitties crying. We looked and we looked but could not see them anywhere. We finally figured out that the kitties were stuck up in a tight space underneath our car!!!!! Momma kitty brought them back and thought she could hide them in our car.
We quickly pulled the kitties out from the car, fearing that they were burned or dying. They seeemd fine, but were definitely hot so we placed them on the cold kitchen tile to cool them and examine them better. At this time, we only thought there were two kittens up there. Brannon back tracked and found another kitten on his parents driveway! He fell out while we parked there to eat lunch. Then he found the other kitty on the side of the road. So sad! He must of fell out while we were driving. That left only one kitty unaccounted for. Later that night, Brannon swore he could hear one more kitten. I couldn't hear a thing, but sure enough, he found the last little kitten stuck in the car - Alive! The four kittens are alive and healthy and Momma Kitty decided to take them one by one again. We have no idea where they are, but fear the whole family will show up when hungry.
If that's the case, anyone want a kitten?
Kitties!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :(
That is crazy
Stray cats....sounds like us! Except for our Mama Kitty wasn't pregnant when she showed up! I want some more cats so bad, but apparently the Lee's have bad luck with animals.
Anyway, when she did have kittens, she moved them like a thousand times. But they were always ok.
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