Sunday, November 30, 2008


Brannon and I recently rented the documentary "Expelled," produced and hosted by Ben Stein, a well known actor, political commentator, writer, attorney and extremely intelligent man. Knowing the basis of this documentary had something to do with intelligent design, we could not wait to see what Stein had to say about it. After all, it is not often you hear someone of Stein's caliber speak of intelligent design in the classroom.

After watching the documentary, we found out why.

I do not plan to spoil the film for anyone. I can speak of the film and ID in the classroom and it will not ruin the documentary. It's that interesting. I knew intelligent design in schools was (and still is) a huge no-no, but I always thought this was due largely to simple political correctness. You know, we always have to do and say what is socially "acceptable" as to not offend the populace at large. This kind of reminds me of the Seinfeld episodes where Jerry Seinfeld would finish every statement with, "Not that there's anything wrong with that". In today's world we offend just by breathing. After watching "Expelled," however, I was shocked to see just how big of a no-no it is to mention intelligent design. Notice I didn't say "teach" ID, I said mention. Long-standing scientists and professors were fired for even mentioning intelligent design, and one instructor was fired for quoting another person in an article on the topic of intelligent design.

Absurd, right? But it is happening.

The main point? Don't even utter the words intelligent design unless you are willing to give up your career and life as you know it. It seems there is no such thing as free academics. Shouldn't teachers be allowed to challenge students' thinking, to have them think for themselves and reflect on their thinking? To provide them with all the facts, theories, etc. and lay it all out on the table? Why are scientists being stopped from simply investigating other possible truths? Darwinism is not an absolute truth - no one can tell you it is. It just happens to win by popular vote, but has never been proven true. Then why is this the only "truth" allowed to be investigated and taught? I'm not against the teaching of Darwinism. It should be taught, along with the possibility and "truth" behind intelligent design. If you can teach one theory, then you should be able to teach the other - or all others.

As "Expelled" reveals, there seems to be great fear in allowing other theories into mainstream academics, and the powers that be (whoever they are) will do everything they can to suppress our freedom of knowledge. Why?

I believe in free academics. If you do, please rent and watch "Expelled." If you don't, watch it anyway.

Thank you for your eyes and ears.

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I wonder what they are deep in thought about!

Sweet Baby

Sweet Baby
Mary Ellen wore this dress for Baby Dedication. She also wore this the day she came home from the hospital.