Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What Are You Thankful For?

Every year we ask our students to name one thing they are most thankful for. The answers usually vary from a specific toy to Mommy to socks (yes, one girl said she was thankful for socks - but I am, too, because just imagine life without socks! Seriously, wouldn't that be weird?) Although it is hard to nail down one thing that I am "most" thankful for - because I am equally thankful for many things - I prayed and reflected yesterday on what my answer would be (besides Jesus dying on the cross, obviously).

I am most thankful for my husband. Brannon is a caring, loving, and very kind husband. In fact, he is the kindest person I know. He is patient, oh so patient, with me and Mary Ellen. He is a great spiritual leader and teacher. I have learned so much from him. He is funny, handsome, a great provider, and never has a nasty word to say. How does he do that?

I am thankful for Brannon because he wears his heart on his sleeve and will open his door to anyone. I am thankful for him because the ironing will be done on any random day. I am thankful for Brannon because if I say, "I don't feel like cooking tonight," he turns around and says, "That's okay, you want me to cook?"

I am thankful for Brannon because he takes MEC for walks, gives her baths, feeds her lunch, plays with her, and takes her to visit our elderly friends. Did you know that Brannon is so good with the elderly? This has always wowed me. He just shows them so much respect and gratitude. He knows he can learn from them, so he listens.

Most importantly, I am thankful for Brannon because when we feared I could never carry his children, he said he loved me - that he would never leave me, and that he married me for me, not for a baby.

How could I not be thankful for such a man?

I love you, Brannon.

Happy Thanksgiving!


I wonder what they are deep in thought about!

Sweet Baby

Sweet Baby
Mary Ellen wore this dress for Baby Dedication. She also wore this the day she came home from the hospital.